
Friday, November 25, 2005

On the way home from work I usually pop into Keogh’s Café on Trinity Street for a coffee or a cup of tea or some such ingestion and such was the case yesterday. I like Keogh’s, it’s a well run, friendly clean and efficient shop. Well, I sat around for twenty minuets yesterday then got up and left. I had a bus to catch. I was walking down Dame Street, thinking of home and heat, then I saw it.

I glanced to the far side of the road and what did I spy with my little eye? A newly opened shop with the moniker Starbucks Coffee. Yes Ladies and gentlemen Starbucks has landed in the city centre. I crossed over and decided to engage in further investigation.

“Newly opened” proclaimed a sign sellotaped to the main window. All seats were taken and there was a queue out the door waiting to be served. The novelty effect I suppose. Starbucks; the McDonalds of coffee shops. Eclectic, ersatz character is in the town. Now I know that Starbucks are in the IFSC, but that is a self contained entity. But honestly I was amazed and for some reason saddened to see a Starbucks store in a very prominent street in the city centre.

See you in Keogh’s sometime.

Well said Seoman I spotted the abomination during the week as well and felt my heart sink a little too. I have no interest in supporting it myself and would much rather frequent Keoghs, Nude or some other smaller outfit
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